I wear many hats. Please click below. Additional links coming soon. Please check back....
Environmental Educator: Programs for youth and adults.
- K-12: Teacher training, curriculum development,
Kids-in-the-Creek, school raingardens, schoolyard habitats, and much more.
- Adults - Talks for the general public and community groups (homeowners' associations, civic organizations, etc.):
Water Quality education and management, stormwater run-off, watershed education, Mater Stream Stewards class.
Please contact me via phone or e-mail (below) for details on any of these offerings.
Contra Dancing: Pure, exhilirating, substance-free, calorie-burning nirvana, on a regular basis!
Contra and Square Dance Calling, Workshops, Leadership Training.
I can't believe this much fun is legal!
Organizations and Boards: I'm involved in a number of great organizations. Click here for
links to their sites, plus links to anything we might be working on together.
General Consulting, Life Coaching, Public Speaking, Personal Assistance:
I offer a number of workshops, talks, and trainings (group or one-on-one) on
organization, leadership, conflict-resolution, negotiation skills, positive problem-solving,
and community building.
Please contact me via phone or e-mail (below) for details on any of these offerings.
Teacher/Student: If you're looking for a webpage I created for a class
I'm either teaching or taking, find links here.
Friends and Family: Hobbies, sports, outings, personal life... just a little more private than Facebook.
I love canoeing & kayaking, hiking, cycling, camping, traditional music and jamming
(New England, old-time, and their derivatives), dancing, cooking, gardening, crafts -- so many interests, so little time!